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The Dangers of Smoking After Oral Surgery: What You Need to Know

The Dangers of Smoking After Oral Surgery: What You Need to Know
April 1, 2023

Smoking increases gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer risk. It also interferes with the healing process after oral surgery.

If you smoke, it’s essential to quit before having any oral surgery. This will help ensure a successful surgery and reduce your risk of complications. If you can’t quit smoking before surgery, you must abstain from smoking for at least two weeks after the procedure.

Why Can’t You Smoke After Oral Surgery?

Smoking can delay the healing process by causing the blood vessels to constrict. This constriction reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients reaching the surgical site, lengthening the healing time. Smoking can lead to an infection at the surgical site. In addition, smokers are at a higher risk for developing complications such as a dry socket. After the oral surgery, a blood clot develops to facilitate healing. When it breaks, you will experience a dry socket. A dry socket is extremely painful and can further lengthen the healing time.

In addition to delaying healing and increasing your risk of infection and dry socket, smoking also puts you at greater risk for developing other complications after oral surgery, such as:

  • Infection in the jawbone (osteomyelitis)
  • Slow healing of fractures in the jawbone
  • Nerve damage
  • Skin flap necrosis (death of skin tissue)
  • Impaired taste buds
  • Difficulty wearing dentures or other dental appliances

So quitting smoking is essential if you’re considering having oral surgery in Concord, CA. If you can’t quit completely, try to cut back as much as possible. This will help reduce your risk of complications and ensure a successful outcome from your surgery.

When Can I Smoke After Tooth Extraction With Stitches?

Smoking after a tooth extraction is a bad idea. The nicotine in tobacco can irritate the gums, leading to an increased risk of gum disease. It also increases the risk of bleeding from the extraction site and causes dry mouth, which may lead to tooth decay.

As with any other oral surgery, avoid smoking a couple of days before and after an extraction procedure. It’s also vital to ensure you don’t smoke or use other tobacco products during this period.

What to Avoid After Oral Surgery?

There are certain types of products that you should avoid after oral surgery. These include:

  • Alcohol: Alcohol can cause bleeding and swelling. It can also delay healing and increase the risk of infection.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine can cause dehydration and may delay healing.
  • Spicy and hot foods: Spicy foods can cause pain and irritation. They should be avoided until the mouth has healed completely.
  • Hard foods can damage the gums.

Tips for Quitting Smoking Before & After Oral Surgery

Smoking is terrible for your health. But did you know that smoking can be especially harmful after oral surgery? If you’re considering quitting smoking before or after your procedure, here are some tips to help you succeed.

  • Talk to your dentist in Concord, CA, about quitting smoking. They can give you resources and advice to help you succeed.
  • Plan. Decide when you will start quitting and stick to it.
  • Choose a method of quitting that works for you. Many options are available, so find one that will fit into your lifestyle and most likely help you succeed.
  • Tell your friends and family about your quitting decision and ask for their support.
  • Throw away all of your cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays. Get rid of all your triggers.
  • Follow your dentist’s post-operative care instructions and maintain proper oral hygiene.

Schedule an Appointment

Smoking after oral surgery can be a dangerous activity. Not only does it increase the risk of complications and infection, but it can also slow down healing time and affect the success of your procedure. Following their advice and abstaining from smoking during your recovery period will ensure a safe and successful experience with no long-term repercussions from your oral surgery. Visit Concord Dental & Orthodontics for more information on how to prepare for oral surgery.

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